Meet ‘Timeless Novi Sad Women’

The Timeless Novi Sad Women exhibition represents affirmative presentation of rich menagerie of life and works of great Novi Sad women, heroines of the Serbian Athens who marked the history of our city with their personality and work and whose names are inscribed in gold in the history of Novi Sad.

Four Novi Sad women marked the history of the city, as the name itself suggests – we will always remember them. Marija Trandafil, Savka Subotić, Milica Tomić and Mileva Marić Einstein are powerful and inspiring examples of knowledge, activism and humanity through different epochs.

The exhibition represents personality and work of the famous Novi Sad women, pointing to distinctive character of each of them. Meet the Novi Sad women beyond their and all times, the ladies who will enhance and inspire you!

The exhibition will be available in a digital format on the website of the Rumenka Cultural Centre and Facebook page of the Rumenka Cultural Station.