Dobrila the Witch – Good, Sweet, Gentle

We invite you to watch the Dobrila the Witch – Good, Sweet, Gentle play which will be held in Rumenka Cultural Station on Thursday, 1 April, at 5 p.m.

There are evil characters in every fairy tale, including witches. They are mostly created to do mischief and evil deeds, but what if one such witch becomes good?

Fairy tales teach us that there are virtues and flaws in every person, and we need to be aware of them, learn to recognize them and to give preference to virtues in our daily actions. The case of the witch Dobrila proves that goodness is transmittable.

The witch Dobrila is as evil as other witches are, but when she is infected with the virus of goodness, she becomes funny and cute to the children. She needs to find a recipe for the most important magic potion, and that is the potion of goodness, so that all the people of the world become good and noble.

Since the number of visitors is limited to 20 people, you can reserve your place by phone 0656694399 or email [email protected].

The play is the author’s work of Cvetin Aničić, made in cooperation with Teatrilo Theatre from Novi Sad and ‘Bransilav Nušić’ amateur theatre from Šid.


Associates: Marko Ganibegović, Mirjana Harambašić, Srna Aničić, Milica Savić, Mia Prodić, Luka Jašćur

Costume Designer: Ilijana Oreščanin

Technician: Goran Žilić

Producer: Ružica Bojović